Theme Colors

If you are using a visual theme creation utility such as Theme Freak, choosing your theme colors is as easy as pointing and clicking. But you may want to open up someone else's theme to change some colors around or edit one of your own. You can edit a theme file by simply opening it up in Notepad or any text editor. Changing the Windows color scheme to match your wallpaper can be very frustrating without a theme creation tool. Well, fret no longer since one of my friends has now made this very simple. You can either view smaller jpgs here on this page, or download the full size bitmaps to keep on your computer as a guide. There are arrows pointing to each section of the color scheme with the name associated with that section. With these guides, it is very easy to see exactly which color you are changing in your color scheme. Choosing a color scheme is important for branding your business or image. How many businesses can your recognize by simply their colors and logo? While a business may update their logo or design over the years, their colors usually remain the same. Make sure you start your business fund by picking a color scheme you plan on keeping for a while.

Here is what the color section of a theme looks like. The numbers are the RBG color values of the color.

Download full sized color scheme keys for offline viewing (77k)

Here are what the colors listed in the theme file represent.

Color Scheme Descriptions

401k business financing

Color Scheme 2

Color Scheme 3

Windows Color Scheme By O.B.Brown
1. ActiveTitle Active window title field.
2. Background Desktop background.
3. Hilight Field color of selected text & icons.
4. HilightText Selected text color.
5. Titletext Active window title text & Msg box text color.
6. Window Window field & inset areas of a window.
7. WindowText Window field text, inset area text & msg box.
8. Scrollbar Use the same color as #21, ButtonHiLight.
9. InactiveTitle Inactive window title field.
10. Menu Window text area, pull-down & pop-up menu area color. Outer most hilight of "ok", "cancel" & apply" buttons when it is active.
11. WindowFrame Outline of "ok", "cancel", "apply" buttons & tool tip window. Right side & bottom outside hilight of tool bar buttons.
12. MenuText Active menu text & pull-down menu text. Window Explorer + & - symbols.
13. ActiveBorder Active window center (#3) hilight.
14. InactiveBorder Inactive window center (#3) hilight.
15. AppWorkspace Right side & bottom outside #2 hilight on a few 3D app windows. Work space color of some windows.
16. ButtonFace Window color, button faces, msg box text area, Hilight line separating window & pull-down menu sections &. (Half of the scroll bar color)
17. ButtonShadow Right side & bottom outside #2 hilight of window, msg box & all buttons. Left side & top inside #2 hilight of window. HiLight line on pull-down menu.
18. GrayText Inactive text color hilighted & unhilighted. Windows Explorer lines.
19. ButtonText Button text & outline of some tool bar symbols.
20. InactiveTitleText Inactive window title text color.
21. ButtonHilight Left side & top outside #2 hilight of window, pull-down menu & msg box. Left side & top outside #2 hilight of tool bar buttons, scrollbar buttons & sliders. Left side & top outside hilight of buttons. Right side & bottom inside window #2 hilight. Disabled text shadow. (Half of the scroll bar color)
22. ButtonDkShadow Right side & bottom outside hilight of window, pull-down menu, msg box & buttons. Left side & top inside hilight of window. Info window border.
23. ButtonLight Left side & top outside hilight of windows, pull-down menu, scrollbar buttons & msg box. Left side & top outside #2 hilight of buttons. Right side & bottom inside hilight of window.
24. InfoText Tool tip window text color.
25. InfoWindow Tool tip window color.


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